Standing Orders for the Conduct of Board Business
This document provides a framework for Board business such as the membership of the Board, attendance, frequency of meetings and disclosure of information.
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Medr was established under the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022.
Medr is a Welsh Government Sponsored Body accountable to the Welsh Ministers. It operates at arm’s-length from the Government, but within a strategic planning and funding framework established by Welsh Ministers.
The Board provides strategic leadership, promotes high standards of public finance, monitors performance, and ensures Medr’s activities are conducted efficiently and effectively in a manner consistent with the ways of working set out in the Well-being of Future Generation (Wales) Act 2015.
The Board consists of no more than 17 members appointed by the Welsh Government, including the Chair, Deputy Chair (who is also the Chair of the Research and Innovation Committee), and Medr’s Chief Executive.
The Board will also include up to four non-voting associate members, representing learners and the education workforce.
Board Members are appointed by the Welsh Ministers. These are regulated appointments made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments’ Code of Practice.
Board Members adhere to a Code of Conduct, which includes an agreement to adhere to the Nolan principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership.
Board and Committee Members must complete a declaration of interests form for the public register.
Board members' register of interests Medr Board membersCommittees advise our Board on particular areas of work, including research and innovation, quality, audit and risk assurance, and people and culture. Each committee has its own terms of reference and adheres to Committee standing orders.
We will provide more information on Committee remits and membership over the coming months
This document provides a framework for Board business such as the membership of the Board, attendance, frequency of meetings and disclosure of information.
DocumentThese will outline committee structure terms of reference, membership arrangements, and reporting requirements.
The Scheme of Delegation will set out matters reserved for the Board alone, and also matters that may be taken forward on behalf of the Board under authority delegated to the Chair and to the Chief Executive.
DocumentThe Welsh Government’s Framework Document sets out the broad framework within which Medr operates, and defines the roles and responsibilities of the Welsh Ministers and Medr.
Framework documentWe will publish a meeting summary after each board meeting, outlining what was discussed, and sharing any disclosable outcomes.
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