Research and innovation

We aim to promote a dynamic and sustainable research base within higher education institutions, which compares well with that in the rest of the UK in terms of quality, and is capable of contributing to economic and social well being in Wales and beyond.

Funding for providers

We work to promote and develop a thriving, excellent research base across Wales through supporting and promoting research and innovation cultures where respect, integrity and inclusivity thrives.

We continue to develop our understanding of how we can work with providers to achieve research cultures that can deliver a nurturing and innovative environment for world-class people and research.

To support the UK-wide effort to promote good research practice, we have signed a number of agreements – called Concordats – and we are a member of UK groups working with other bodies to ensure that these aims are achieved.

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the UK-wide instrument for assessing research in higher education institutions.

It is undertaken jointly by all four UK higher education funding bodies – Medr, Research England, Scottish Funding Council, and Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland – and is managed on our behalf by the REF Team, based at Research England.

The four funding bodies form the REF Steering Group, which oversees the process of developing the next UK-wide assessment exercise..

The REF is a process of expert review, and panels of experts in individual academic subject areas assess institutions’ research submissions under three broad headings:

  • Contributions to knowledge – the quality of research publications and other forms of research outputs including performances and exhibitions.
  • Impact and Engagement – the benefits delivered to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life beyond academia.
  • People, culture and environment – the vitality and sustainability of the research environment, including the contribution to the wider discipline or research base that supports research.

The next REF will report in 2029.

Research Excellence Framework 2021

83% of research at universities in Wales is world-leading or internationally excellent, according to the 2021 assessment of the quality of research.

The REF 2021 also concluded that 89% of Welsh research has an impact that is world-leading or internationally excellent beyond academia.

2021 Assessment of the Quality of Research

Supporting the career development of researchers

The Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers is an agreement between organisations outlining the expectations on and responsibilities of researchers, their managers, employers and funders.

Concordat to support the Career Development of Researchers

Supporting research integrity

The Concordat to Support Research Integrity is a framework for good research conduct and governance built on four clear commitments for researchers, employers of researchers and funders of research to agree.

Concordat to Support Research Integrity

Promoting open access and research

The Concordat on Open Research Data is a set of expectations on best practice to help ensure that research data is made openly available for use by others wherever possible.

Concordat on Open Research Data

Tackling bullying and harassment

The Forum for Tackling Bullying and Harassment in Research and Innovation is an international group where research funders, higher education funding bodies, policy makers, regulatory organisations and learned societies come together to work toward tackling and preventing bullying and harassment across the research and innovation sector.

Forum for Tackling Bullying and Harassment in Research and Innovation

Engaging the public with research

The Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research is a set of principles drawn up by organisations that fund research in the UK to encourage public engagement to boost the social and economic impact of research.

Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research

Promoting good practice in knowledge exchange

The Knowledge Exchange Concordat is a set of principles to encourage best practice in innovation and to support institutions to develop new and approved approaches.

Knowledge Exchange Concordat

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